Poem Dedicated for Oliver Twist

by - 21.25.00

He’s just in his nine
A little too used to being alone
Born without father
Raised with no mother
 Suffered even in a house
That would never be a home
And humiliation become his dinner
Poverty become his power
Runaway, he bring every nothing he own
Where the time feels like stop counting down
Cross  the hell named London
 Punishment  coming for what he never done
Life is never easy, even for a sinner
His tears told more than any letter
But O, Oliver never stop to fight
Until he make everything alright
He diminished every evil
Torn pieces of veil
That covers all hypocrite man
That hiding every sly woman
Oliver allow us to understand
That happiness isn’t  come because a wand
They happen because we fight it
They come along when we worth it


I'm still improving my grammar, so please tell me if I do something wrong here. Enjoy my poem, I hope it can give you any inspiration.

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